Take your pH and ORP measurements outdoors Our Thermo Scientific Orion portable meters are built rugged and waterproof for dependable performance, anywhere and anytime. Take advantage of one-hand operation and easy portability for any remote application without sacrificing accuracy and the reliability of your measurements. Identify the best match based on your required features, performance specifications, and budget.
WTW – Portable pH Meters for laboratory and field
- pH range –2.000 to 20.000 pH
- pH resolution 0.1. 0.01, 0.001 pH
- pH relative accuracy ±0.002 pH
- pH calibration points Up to 5
- pH calibration editing Yes
- Range (mV) ±2000.0 mV
- Resolution (mV) 0.1 mV
- Relative accuracy ±0.2 mV or ±0.05% of reading, whichever is greater
- PORP mode Yes
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